Torment tides of numenera tide colors
Torment tides of numenera tide colors

Force your will upon others, you’ll find yourself dominated by the Red Tide. Rather than being an ardent and static choice, Tides are a fluid representation of how your act throughout the game. Tides are represented by five different colors, each of them indicative of different actions you take. InXile decided to hell with traditional alignment systems and went with a new mechanic: tides. Using Might, Speed and Intellect to varying degrees, you must complete various quests and adventures that help unravel big and small mysteries on your way to figuring out what forces are at play and either stopping or joining them. As The Final Castoff, you find yourself up against a malevolent force known as the Sorrow. You play as a fragment of a powerful being, one of many such beings known as “castoffs,” only you are the last one. I was tempted to start this paragraph with the word “basically,” but that’s clearly a misrepresentation of the subsequent sentences. If you’re confused by terms such as “Tides,” “Fettles” “Sorrow,” or “Changing God,” just wait you don’t even know the half of it. You’ll be given a deluge of information when you first launch the game, and your eyes will surely glaze over faster than you can exit out, especially if you’re someone who picked this game up casually. Tides of Numenera is as difficult as to explain as it is to understand. Torment: Tides of Numenera will feel like a different game each time you play it, and offer a different playthrough than the one your best friend of sibling will have, and it’s able to do that with an ardent focus on truly variable storytelling without being strapped down by a hard-and-fast alignment system and gameplay elements that do just enough to not get in the way.

torment tides of numenera tide colors

Here we arrive at the exception to that recent rule, or, rather, developer inXile Entertainment has delivered it to us after several years in development and a lengthy Early Access period that followed a successful kickstarter campaign. The truth of the matter is that, no matter how many times we hear it, your choices ultimately don’t matter anymore. Or we’ll be given a side quest that seemingly has tangible effects on important characters or factions only to see that aspect never acknowledged. Too many times have we played a game with lots of choices throughout only to end by picking the exact way we want the game to conclude. Has anyone else heard that lie? Odds are the answer is “yes” if you’ve played a game in the last decade.

Torment tides of numenera tide colors